Have a needle clock or spring balance? No problem! Convert your old system with our spring balance conversion kit and eWeigh.
The iLivestock app has a dedicated weighing screen that helps you track and manage your livestock weight data. You can choose between two levels of features: basic and advanced.
The basic level lets you search for animals by EID or visual number, and see their daily and average weight gain. The advanced level gives you more options, such as a graph showing weight and dates, weaning weights, and access to the animal card for more recording.
Tyrrells Frith Farm, Ledbury
I instantly liked how eWeigh worked. The fact that weigh data goes straight into the iLivestock app, rather than having a different piece of equipment you’ve got to lug around and remember how to use, is a huge practical benefit.
Beeches Farm, Gwespyr
We use the eWeigh system to weigh and monitor lambs. Tracking their weight gain provides insight into when the lambs will be ready. As we sell our lamb directly to customers, this insight is an important guide to monitor orders.
The Albynes, Bridgnorth
Farming has gotten more complicated for me lately, but eWeigh helps me a lot. It is a device that connects to my load bars and shows weights on my phone or tablet via bluetooth. I just need the iLivestock app to see them.
Our products are manufactured and tested in Scotland
You may already have your own weigh indicator, or you may have decided to purchase one of our approved partners products. That’s fine with us. We want you to be able to connect the iLivestock app to any device and enjoy the benefits of our platform
EziWeigh 7i
Electronic Identification (EID) enables the tracking of individual animals throughout their entire life via a transponder concealed within an ear tag. EID readers are devices that scan the electronic identification tags on your sheep and cattle. They help you record and manage your livestock data easily and accurately.
With the iLivestock app, you can connect to any approved EID reader and access more features, such as live reading, group importing, and group reading.
Choose the EID reader that suits your needs and connect it to the iLivestock app today!
With every bundle you get a tablet, iLivestock software and - depending on your needs - a weigh head, EID reader and/or load bars. The bundles are fully compliant with various grants and funds.
Start your weighing and/or EID reading journey with iLivestock today!